Associated with Classes of Service are Authorization Codes. These codes allow you to change the Class of Service for a single call. Let’s say that you are a higher-up who usually has no restrictions on your calls, but you are roaming by general public extensions that have restrictions.
You can use authorization codes to change the class of service to a more permissive one. To create the authorization code, go to PBX > Class of Service > Authorization Codes.
First, enter what the Code will be. This can be comprised of numbers and the star (*) symbol.
Next, add an Alias, which can be anything of your liking. The alias is used for security reasons, where instead of the security code the alias will appear in the CDR (Call Detail Records.)
Afterward, add a Description to easily search for the authorization code, select the Class of Service this code will use, and Enable it. Save and Apply Changes.

To use the Authorization Code, from an extension that has a restrictive Class of Service applied dial the code *79. This will prompt you to enter the authorization code. Enter the code we have created. Now dial the number you wish to call, and you will notice that it will allow you based on the authorization code’s Class of Service.