In every Call Center, the Service Level (SLA) is one of the most important reports since a good SLA will guarantee us a good Customer Service. On this report it is possible to create filters to have specific parameters for the Service Level. The available options are the following:

- SLA: initial period, from which second we wish to show the SLA, traditionally, it is shown from the 10th second.
- SLA: max period, Up to which number of seconds you wish to measure the SLA, by default this is 90 seconds.
- SLA: interval, the interval to measure the SLA, meaning how often we wish to see information from the SLA. We recommend between 5 and 10 seconds.
- Short Call Wait Limit, the minimum Call Wait time to consider a call as valid. Many times the callers hang up the calls too fast and this could affect the statistics of our Call Center.
- Short Call Talk Limit, the Minimum Call Time to consider the call as valid. In some occasions, the calls hang up the call as soon as the agent answers. This could affect the statistics of our Call Center.
Below, you can see a graph where you can observe the Service Level (SLA) behavior over time.