If you or multiple people are calling a long number often, using a Speed Dial is the best way to shorten it. To create a speed dial you must go to PBX > Applications > Speed Dialing.

Simply add a Description to identify this speed dial, set the Speed Dial Code, and enter the Destination number. The Class of Service can be inherited from the extension or module that dialed this speed dial or any Class of Service you specify. Then Save and Apply Changes. Now, whenever you dial the Speed Dial code, you will be calling the longer destination number.
Additionally, you can import and export Speed Dials using the Import/Export Speed Dialing module. This module is located at PBX > Applications > Import/Export Speed Dialing. You can upload a CSV file and click on the green Import Speed Dials button in the lower right-hand corner. To export the Speed Dials you have created, click on the blue Export Speed Dials button in the lower right-hand corner.