Post-Installation Options

With your VitalPBX installation done, there are some things you can do for ease of configuration.

1. Remote access using the root user.

You cannot remotely access the server using the root user by default. This can be changed by modifying the “sshd_config” file. First, log in as root directly on the terminal. Then, edit the following file using Nano.

Change the line.


Save the document and exit.

Optionally, if you want to keep the root user from remotely accessing the server, you can add a Debian user to the “sudoers group.” Enter the following command.

2. Change to a Static IP address.

By default, your system will pull an IP address using DHCP. It is recommended that your server use a static IP address instead. To change it, we will modify the interfaces file. Run the following command.

Change this block of text.

To this.

Finally, enable the interface and reboot your system.

What are your feelings
Updated on December 16, 2023